To become a member, please follow these steps:
- Complete the registration form.
- Upon receipt of your membership request, we will promptly assess your submission and if approved, will provide you with our banking details.
- Once we have received your membership fee, the formal approval process will be initiated. Subsequently, you can anticipate receiving an official confirmation email.
Membership Fee: 250,00 DKK / year (1 January – 31 December )
– Membership Fee (after September 1, ): 100,00 DKK until 31 December
Student Membership Fee: 100,00 DKK / year (1 January – 31 December ) *
– Student Membership Fee (after September 1, ): 50 DKK until 31 December *
* To benefit from the discounted student membership fee, you are required to provide a document confirming your status to
If you have any questions, you can contact us on